The people you are talking about totally ignore 1400 years of Islamic terror across the world.

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Tom Friedman is a pompous ass who believes his own bullshit.

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Phyllis, your writing on this critical issue is heroic. The Allie’s sought complete destruction of Hitler and the Natzis! No one is outraged by Hamas’ brutal, murderous, vicious raping of the captured women from the music festival and the kibbutz residents. The jewish pro Palestinians have clung to their outrage that ISRAEL bombed and killed innocents.

In an earlier writing you rightly say the Allie’s needed to stop Hitler and the Natzis by all means. After the fall of Germany the Marshall plan helped rebuild Germanuy and most of Europe. Careful planning of England, France, Germany, US , SAUDI ARABIA and Israel needs to start now. Hamas must never be allowed to participate. If there will ever be real Palestinian leaders who want peace it will be a miracle. Gaza and the West Bank need real governance that must never again plan to murder and eliminate all the Jews and Israel. The West allowed it to fester and funded it by allowing Hamas to steal the food, funding and infrastructure meant for the Palestinians. The people of Palestine must be re-educated to want a free from violent dedication to murder all Jews. It’s hard to have faith it can be done when their photos of Sinwar proudly holding 5 year olds dressed as terrorists with automatic weapons are revered. God help us all.

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On CNN tonight, “Brain-Exploded-Long-Ago” Friedman suggested Abbas as peace provider who will solve Gaza after Sinwar! 🤦‍♀️The same Abbas that celebrated October 7 atrocities. Gd forbid!

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Yes he is, overcome by his sense of self importance. Best to ignore him.

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I can’t believe he’s still employed. He’s been wrong about so much for so long. It’s breathtaking.

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Of course, all of Friedman's "solutions" put the onus totally on Israel, as if there is any possibility of reasoning with and coming to agreements with genocidal maniacs.

Is that fool totally unaware that there HAS BEEN a "peacekeeping" force in southern Lebanon since 2006 which did NOTHING to enforce resolution 1701. Instead hezbollah under their noses and likely with the UN's complicity built up an arsenal of hundreds of thousands of missiles. So, this bonehead suggests creating yet another "peacekeeping" force of Arab countries no less.

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History.. History.. History.. why won't more people read history ???

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Thank you for stating eloquently what I as a 75 yr old old-fashioned feminist and a history reader believe both on the current state of feminism and Israel. Not being Jewish, I’m mystified by the anti-Israeli sentiment among some American Jews. I guess it must be like the self harm disturbed people do to themselves, like cutting their arms or having perfectly functioning sexual organs cut off.

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The only lunatic is Friedman who no matter how horrific the terrorist atrocities against Israelis, never changes his tired, outdated "solutions" and of course the conflict is always Israel's fault.

How can you be a "settler" and "occupier" in your own homeland.

I'm sure you would have preferred to call him other names.


"While Friedman does not tell Iran what it must do in its own sovereign country, he holds forth on sovereign Israel's internal affairs. "We must not be in the business of making Israel safe so that a radical messianic government can annex the West Bank...Bibi needs to purge the settler lunatics" and "open talks with credible leaders...on a two state solution." If Israel does not do as Friedman orders, America will not keep "resupplying Israel with missiles and missile systems."

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So sorry you finally realized your "friends" were just political allies.

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I kind of don't want him to go away. He's so wrong all the time. He's the funniest show on Earth.

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Phyllis, you are a bold truth teller! Thank you🫶💝

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He blathered the same tired drivel 10 years ago on Charlie Rose. What are the Palestinians? Who speaks for any of them? They have never agreed to anything except the delightful and willing murder of Jews. Two state solutions, with who? Abbas, a Soviet trained Marxist, holocaust denier, Jew hater. U. N. Peacekeepers? Maybe the ones from Lebanon, or Haiti, or the UNRWA staff because they are so honest and trustworthy. Friedman is just another Apparatchik. His opinion is worthless and irrelevant.

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Friedman is a self hating Jew who lives in his own dreamland

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He’s not really all that big. Or far. Two out of three ain’t bad.

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