Phyllis: Respectfully, I've followed your writings for years and greatly admire your intellectual and moral courage. You, do, however, have a "home." It is here, in Israel, and you are welcome to join us. Thank you for all you write and do.

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Ah, if only I could. I am 84 years old and walking disabled and no longer can travel. Haval! Otherwise, I would have been there on site volunteering this past year. Otherwise, I would have gone to live in Israel in 1980—that was not to be. But I’m glad that you’re there.

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You CAN come. Israel is very welcoming of all and especially older citizens. It's a Jewish country - elders are treated with respect! And the health care here is terrific.

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Oct 21Edited

These Israeli feminists are no longer Israelis but have become diaspora Jews with trembling knees.

If it’s any consolation you are not the only one that is homeless and floundering, looking for a place they belong in the nation to which you were born. Israel may have always been the homeland but the US was supposed to be our home

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MOST Americans support Israel. Stop paying attention to the fake media and the fringe lunatics on campus. This IS still our home and it's the most pro-Israel country in the world.

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They may support Israel, but do they like Jews? Do they want us in their companies? One doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other. https://fortune.com/2023/01/11/hiring-jewish-people-antisemitism-workplace-study/

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As new diversity hires from ethnicities from outside America are installed in human resources they narrow their hiring range to new Americans and their ethnic groups, human resources is generally staffed by predominantly women and immigrants. Racking my brain to recall the article but it was chock full of evidence of ethnic pockets of tribalism amongst new arrivals affecting convenience stores, motels, computer technology and specific fields that are dominated by new Americans, of course centering upon the Jews

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Why would one ignore millions of maoist students marching against America and israel?

I'm 58 and not to State the obvious but I've never seen shit like this in my lifetime and I'm hyper aware of Jewish history, coming from Minneapolis the most anti-Semitic city in the country in the 30s this feels much more apparent, 100,000 somalis live in Minnesota.

FYI the Pentagon has studied ways to invade Israel and Francisco Gil White, a professor has framed my suspicions in a compelling argument that's worthy of listening to, any of his lectures to truth.

Ignoring Jew haters leads to humanity being crushed is his message.

Ignore reality at your own risk


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First of all, there are not "millions" of maoist students marching, far from it. The pro-hamas/hezbollah marchers are a fraction of the student bodies on campuses, let alone the general population. Most are disgusted by these protesters.

As for the Somalis and other muslims invading America, I don't consider them to be Americans. This is why I want to end immigration, including legal immigration at least when it comes to muslims.

I know there are people in high levels of government who are anti-Israel but I was not referring to them, I was referring to the American people as being supportive of Israel. Every poll taken confirms this, especially GOP voters.

I'm not ignoring antisemitism whatsoever, but I also don't think it helps to exaggerate that America is some hotbed of antisemitism. I maintain that this is the best country for Jews other than Israel.

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From the beginning of this horror show I said the message about the hostages should be " send them home." Your friends response to " release them." Is an eye opener. Totally brain washed. You'll make better friends as the veils come off of the Lefts hate and deceit.

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Your long journey from radical feminism to a strong supporter of Israel should be must reading for anyone who since 10/7 and prior thereto has experienced the sensation of being marginalized from once familiar social circles and the woke world because of anti Semitism Welcome to the expanding universe of those of us who woke up and smelled the foul odor of the ideological coffee known as the radical left and its threat to Jewish continuity ,Jewish communities and Israel .

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The Jews are a nation set apart. A goy kadosh. That's how it always has been. A sad reality of reform Judaism, and of the secular zionists, is the attempt to make jews like everyone else and Israel a nation like all others. Giving up land and giving up Torah can never work. Hashem makes it explicit: If you want to live in The Land you have to keep the Torah. We say the Torah keeps us. When Jews are absorbed into a secular nation (think Germany, think USA) they are despised. When they keep the Torah and remain set apart they are respected.

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Well said

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I'd never heard goy kadosh, I like it as a moniker but not as a concept I've used erev rav prior and now describe them as passive followers of or possibly bloodlines from sabbateanfrankism.

Some things definitely wrong with their brain and the Torah teaches about 40 years being needed to purge the bad brain Factor. It's odd to read what I wrote about bloodlines because I think it's preposterous yet proof of the supernatural is here with the reAwakening of jewhatred amongst Nations that have never met Jews, they are just wired for it, to me that's supernatural.

But agreed about the leftists revealing themselves, it's the epitome of hyper irrationality

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Stay strong.

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Phyllis, you might feel more positive if you'd stop hanging around with radical left fake feminist "friends". Conservatives in America are overwhelmingly supportive of Israel and Jews.

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How could these so-called feminists see the horrors inflicted on their countrymen and their response is to condemn Bibi, call for ending the just war in response to the 10/7 genocide and telling you to vote for the reprehensible Kamala Harris who gives her approval to the lies and blood-libels shouted by the "river to the sea" mob? They may call themselves Israelis or Jews, but their identity is wrapped up in "progressive"/marxist ideology. Israel is better off without them.

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Excellent essay. Thank you.

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Well said.

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Wisdom becomes you, Phyllis Chesler!

I stand with you, and have, since 1972.

That was my wake-up call to antisemitism when 11 Israeli athletes were brutally murdered in Munich at the Olympic Games.

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