Beautifully recollected, Phyllis! How present you have been and are, at the turning-point moments in our shared world culture!

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Phyllis, you are present to the possibilities that are available to all of us who want a better world🫶💝

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Interesting ...today, hundreds of thousands of Muslims languish in "cox's bazaar" Bangladesh....Muslims in a Muslim land....(my Hindu Uber driver...told me of persecution of Hindus in his homeland...Bangladesh.....another topic) More than a hundred thousand Armenians have not been herded into a camp until such time as Azeris vacate Azerbaijan....and Armenia is talking peace with their the country that vanquished them.....what happened to "honor /shame" ? The new Ottoman Caliph has not intention of allowing Greeks to return either to Cyprus or to Anatolia....that ship has passed. Who is left? oh right...the Palestinians.

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Western countries would do themselves a BIG favour by requiring Imams to submit their sermons ahead of delivery.

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