They are not deaf, dumb and blind. They know exactly what they're doing, and they enjoy watching the infliction of misery.

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Absolutely 💯 agree!

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Fabulous! The NYT should perish in the Red Sea.

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I wouldn't say the NY slimes is deaf, dumb and blind. They are simply antisemitic. You couldn't pay me to read that disgusting fake "news" rag sheet.

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The NYT is hopeless on the Middle East. They follow the “woke” agenda. They also write that trans “women” (ie men) should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.

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Thanks for taking the time to call this nonsense out. You are a boss.

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They know exactly what they are doing. And so, since they are lying about this, what else are they lying about?

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Everything is my guess. Maybe not the OBits and marriage announcements.

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To borrow from Melanie Phillips, the coverage is "eye watering." I try over and over to send my responses to the journalists. To specific editors. They are all blocked. I can only send to their catch all form circular file on line. I bcc CAMERA who thanks me. Among the culprits are Raja Abdulraham with her long history of anti Israeli polemics and Patrick Kingsley with his British superiority complex. There are others. Central to NYTIMES vilification of Israel...there are no individuals except for named government personalities. No Israeli civilian unless they can find one with loathing for ZIONISM and Netanyahu are ever interviewed or name. Gazan stories of the alleged horrible suffering due to the "genocide" are a recurring feature. Eveyone is Um this or Um that. No Savta in Israel. A poor child who is unable to attend school. A man forced to boling nettles for lack of food. How HOrrible is Israel! So the rot at the NY Time is entrenched and insidious and frankly evil. Jews have no right to live on "land claimed by Palestinians for their state" ONLY 20% or "historic Palestine." There is no "historic Land Of Israel." So even Jews decry that Jews live in Hebron How horrible these Jews are who allegedly LORD over the impoverished barely surviiving Arabs whle Jews strut around like ...you guessed it. Jews terrorize all the Arabs of Judea Samaria. Arabs say that the Jews of TEl Aviv are colonial settlers who must be removed to Germany, Poland or the USA if we will take them So for the leftist Jews....you are all unwanted. Get that through your heads.

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I just wrote to the NYT. It is terrible.

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Ever since I left a comment after a New York Times article about the erasing of transgender terminology from the Stonewall website, which did not get in -- I said that there were gay men, lesbians, and crossdressers fighting that evening and that, after all, men cannot be made into women -- The New York Times has refused even to consider any comment I write, including perfectly non-controversial ones.

I have been canceled.

That's okay. My $4 a month subscription has run out, I'd never pay full price for that rag, and truth to tell I find little to read in it. When they offer me an "introductory" rate again, I'll see.

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Whether Walter Duranty covering for Stalin or today’s woke NY Slimes pandering to the rapey, head-chopping demographic, it’s been a very very long time since the NYT was a newspaper worthy of the name. Now it’s more like a former newspaper.

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