Whoever becomes the next POTUS brings the party, and Harris is beholden to her party while Trump has remade the republican party. As far as character, the worst I can say about Trump is that he's an adulterer. So was Schindler. I've been independent for almost 40 years of voting and I've never liked Biden and, in my opinion, he has a complete lack of character and is willing to lie and attack voters, while also using the deaths of his 1st wife, his daughter and his adult son to generate sympathy votes. Trump doesn't hide his character failures. In addition to wanting peace in the Middle East (the Abraham Accords) and elsewhere, I support Israel, freedom of speech, a woman's right to self-determination, sports and private spaces, parental rights, and the protection of childhood. I'm also very much an environmentalist, but a rational and realistic environmentalist. I support RFK Jr. but want to see him in a Trump admin. I believe RFK has done more for the environment than anyone else, and the hypocrisy from the dems on this issue is mind-boggling. I have zero trust in the democratic party on any issue.

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If Kamala wins the savvy individuals and nations will desert the US$ in favour of gold. Can't keep on printing money that's not backed by actual production. Forgiving student debt? The state is not a party to that transaction - maybe ask the universities? A friend has a debt racked up to obtain a degree in 'Museum Studies'. Has never worked in that area nor is she ever likely to.

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Democrats favor abortion up to birth. And if a baby should survive a late term abortion attempt, the Democrats favor letting the baby die. THIS is an extremist position that is beyond Roe v Wade which actually left it to the states to regulate abortion in the third trimester. The democrats are lying that Trump wants a national abortion ban while it's the democrats who want a national law that allows abortion up to birth.

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Kamala is dangerous to women, Jews and Israel and all of America and the free world. Should she God forbid be elected president, Israel must take out Iran's nukes and the regime if possible before January 20.

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I couldn't agree more with your opinion of the Democratic Party. But this isnt necessarily the future of government if Kamala Harris becomes president. She will be as beset by conflict as any president is, especially if the legislature is controlled by the other party. There is never a black and white situation. Harris will be constrained one way or another by one party (or legislator) or another.

I understand that at this time the general assumption is that the president will reflect her party for the most part. But I am not so certain of this, not least because of the many disputes on many issues that will be continuing. So I myself would not judge Harris by her party. I dont make assumptions until there is evidence, and the present failings of the Democrats, while grievous, are not certain by any means. What is certain is the disaster that a Trump victory would represent.

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I think Kamala has made it clear that she’s considers Israel guilty using unnecessary force in Gaza.

Among other things was her reaction to the kaffiyeh clad, genocide accusing protester who distrusted a speech of her a few weeks ago.

She said that what he was saying was important and true. Now, if she didn’t believe what she said, we possibly have a president who will be rough on Israel just to score points with any group she considers important to her political fortunes.

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Or to answer Biden....NO, they don't have a point.

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Without actually knowing her exact words it is impossible to judge what Harris said. So you are just speculating based on your own interpretation. I doubt she used the same words you wrote :"important" and "true"...especially "true". You could have quoted her instead of just interpreting what she said. Nor can we know what she thinks about israel. Who can define what "unnecessary force"? That's a subjective judgement,

not an objective truth. But this is why the argument over Israel is meaningless.

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Lorna, I’ll check the words she used. Those were her actual words— that’s why I used them. But I will check them.

As for any doubts about her toeing the Obama-Blinken line on Iran and Israel and the Palestinians, what’s indicting is that she has never in the past said anything substanively different than they have.

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Paraphrasing is fine in my opinion, especially since he didn't claim it was a quote.

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Lorna, I hear your fears but I respectfully disagree . Trump will not be much different than his first time in office, with the exception of his being wiser in who he appoints to what position.

He is a businessman and thinks our country would do better to be run as an actual successful business instead of a "non profit". The failure rate of non profits is enormous..

The media makes money by spuing fear..fear..fear.. I am 73 and still running my own business (which helps geriatrics)..When I retire...I plan on starting a new business doing a lecture circuit, based on helping people recognize how fear really cuts into their fully enjoying this world we all live in.. We are only here for a limited time .We all can help our kids and grandkids by teaching them this..

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You can pick and choose what you like about Trump but then why ignore his 34 felon convictions, sexual aggression. and premeditated lie upon lie, not to mention his predilection for police force against immigrants and other nuisances? He is a proven LIAR and if you think that is acceptable as long as he is pro business, I think you are treading a dangerous line. The guy is a narcissistic sociopath and established liar, a rabble rouser with anti social behavior as well as plans to implement anti social and anti democratic trends. Sorry you are so deluded but you arent alone, tragically.

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Lorna.. you have proved my theory that all most democrats can do is call their opponents names.. something you never learned in debate class back in hs is that doing that will asure you will lose the debate.. so i am deluded and trump is a whole host of negatives.. oh well..

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Illegal aliens are not "immigrants". They have no right to be here so stop with that crap already. Those so-called felon convictions were entirely politically motivated, not based on any actual crimes. So enough with that crap as well. Kamala Harris is a narcissistic sociopath and BTW, go read what her husband Dougie Emhoff does to women. The Democrats are a clear and present danger to the Jewish people with their Kafhiya wearing mobs roaming the streets and campuses reminiscent of 1930's Germany Nuremberg rallies. It is YOU who is deluded; Phylis is correct.

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I think you're in this video 😂🤣😆


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“Listen, what he’s talking about, it’s real. That’s not the subject that I came to discuss today, but it’s real and I respect his voice,” Harris said.

So those are her words in response to a kaffiyeh clad man accusing Israel of genocide. What is “real” about what he said? He cited Gaza Ministry of Health causality figures. Does she accept them? At times, both Biden and she have, though at other times they haven’t. How do you not reject the obscene, absurd, and hatred inciting charge of genocide if you’re clear about the difference between Israel and its enemies?

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I acknowledge your irrationality up front with your closing sentence summation.

Kamala quotes The Communist manifesto with her unburdened nonsense, she is a maoist tainted by connections of a nefarious and malevolent nature. Her daughter fundraises for Gaza while somehow being a model despite her looks in the same way that Hunter is an artist despite his lack of skills, pay for play. She is an Indian Brahmin from Canada masquerading as a person of color from the middle class who cackles. Her husband impregnated the previous families nanny and slapped a girlfriend so hard while people watched that she nearly fainted. Trump derangement syndrome can be overcome once acknowledged and being objective is the first step forward

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After the election the Democratic Party (my party) must rethink many of its policies as it ponders its future.

To be entrusted with power again Democrats must start listening to the concerns of the working class for a change. As a lifelong moderate Democrat I share their distain for many of the insane positions advocated by my party.

Democrat politicians defy biology by believing that men can actually become women and belong in women’s sports, rest rooms, locker rooms and prisons and that children should be mutilated in pursuit of the impossible.

They believe borders should be open to millions of illegals which undermines workers’ wages and the affordability of housing when we can’t house our own citizens.

They discriminate against whites, Asians and men in a vain effort to counter past discrimination against others and undermine our economy by abandoning merit selection of students and employees.

Democratic mayors allow homelessness to destroy our beautiful cities because they won't say no to destructive behavior. No you can’t camp in this city. No you can’t shit in our streets No you can’t shoot up and leave your used needles everywhere. Many of our prosecutors will not take action against shoplifting unless a $1000 of goods are stolen leading to gangs destroying retail stores. They release criminals without bond to rob and murder again.

The average voter knows this is happening and outright reject our party. Enough.

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Thanks Phyllis. I’ve been a big fan of your work for twenty years. With your stance on all these issues, I’m even more admiring of you. Blessings from Australia.

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This is why when my neighbor tells me fingers crossed...I agree....knowing full well for whom his fingers are crossed. I learned from Bush vs Kerry how incendiary politics has become. I cannot vote for Bernie Sanders as our president...or for his policies....as put into place by his stand in. Or Ocasio cortez for speaker. RFK JR said the Democratic party LEFT him. And it left me. I"m reading in the nY Times of NOv. 1, how Harvard professors debated over the word "violent" in a response to Oct. 7th and the student broadside that blamed Israeli "regime" for the violence. HOw they debated over the precise implication of "river to the sea." I don't know Ms Chesler how many of these responses you can have time to read....we apparently are with you.

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