For many years I have been wattsupwith.com and also attended one of the UN Climate Conferences in Copenhagen (in a blizzard). I have long been convinced that Richard Lindzen (with whom I have also spent time) is basically correct. While there may be a small bit of anthropogenic warming, it is not anyone near as significant as many who often profit from it would lead us to believe. Their adoption of the term "climate change" when "Global warming" wasn't selling. If you like Al Gore's predictions today they are risible. This is science misused in the Stalinist tradition of Lysenko. One of the fascinating things to note is the degree that sponsorships go to those who register that the dangers are significant, nearly catastrophic. It's nearly a hundred percent.

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The number one or two reason for environmental decline is population growth. Hardly anyone talks about it any more. Much of the world is experiencing massive population growth and less and less water, especially the Middle East. Out of a list of the countries with the highest growth in Asia, 12 were Islamic, two were Catholic, only one was Buddhist. Not only is Islamism's bed room war against non believers threatening to human freedom, it's threatening to the environment

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Please excuse me ahead-of-time for this cynical comment:

"The planet is fine; the people are f_cked!"

(-George Carlin)

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Sorry. No editing function. I meant... "I have been reading wattsupwiththat.com.... highly recommend!

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Tony Heller long-term go to expert on debunking the agenda illustrating and deconstructing the falsely constructed graphs and nonsensical unscientific propaganda presented as science for the believers in science who believe in science because it's science and I must believe in it


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I’m not empowering China by pointing out that global warming was caused by western countries FIRST. NOW China & India, with their huge populations, are getting into the act.

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I'm of the view that earth's climate changes are minimally, if at all, influenced by human activity. Climate patterns shift and we need to adapt. But solid waste is a serious problem and is affecting local terra firma, and plastics are breaking down and getting into waterways and the food chain. I also believe the drumbeat of climate change is to distract from our mounting solid waste. The hysterical reaction to the joke at the RNC about the "Island of floating garbage," irt to the landfill crisis on Puerto Rico, confirms my suspicions. I say this as one who is rabidly interested in environmental restoration and R&D in alternative energy. Whether or not we contribute to climate change, reducing pollution should always be a goal, imo. But I keep an open mind and am willing to follow where the evidence leads.

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Phyllis, you may be right that China is the main culprit in Global Warming NOW. But it’s the Western countries who caused the problem, when China was still a third world country where the population commuted to work on bicycles. When American lecturers went to China decades ago to warn them of the problem of Global Warming & fossil fuel use, the Chinese were rushing to build up their economy & wanted to know why should they conserve energy when the West was causing the problem and wasn’t conserving.

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Bullshit. Why are you an apologist for communist China, the world's worst polluter by far. America has long since cleaned up our pollution problem. Our fracking and drilling is the cleanest in the world. I maintain man made global warming is a hoax, a movement funded by china.

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You must be too young to remember this Laura. China was once a poor country. I went there in 1989 and they were furiously building night & day, but most places didn’t have running water or clean water. & travel was by bicycle. Meanwhile western countries had been driving cars for decades by then. And using oil heat & coal before that. We had an Arab oil embargo here (in the U.S.) in 1973. Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903. China was pre-industrial then. Their industry didn’t get going until 1988.

Why do you want to maintain that man made global warming is a hoax? You’re one of those products of the Koch brothers funded education system? You don’t believe in science? Y’know people in China DO believe in science & we in America won’t be able to compete with them if our younger generation doesn’t understand science. Just saying…

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Leftists always claiming they believe in science while denying the science of male and female. You still sound like a CCP shill. I don’t care what china was like 40 or 50 years ago. They are now the second largest economy in the world and wish to replace us and people like you are helping then do so by pushing us into trashing our own economy. China also uses African child slave labor to mine minerals and continues building coal plants, but you want to give it a free pass and let it continue to do so. You sound anti-American. No, I do not believe in man-made global warming or climate change or whatever they want to call it in order to scare Americans into destroying our economic power. I’m suspicious of your motives.

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Well, I’m not a leftist & you’re making a lot of false assumptions about me. I’m a scientist myself. Looks like you are just a fool.

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Believing in science is a leftist phrase which you used despite you saying you're not a leftist but you're promoting leftist views. And calling people names which is typically leftist and alluding to allegiances which is typically leftist

Point me to a objective study that says pollutants have caused the climate to change permanently.

Many lament Nixon enabling China to modernize.

Those who fret about climate change appear removed from reality.

Color me skeptical on your non leftist allegiances and scientific abilities, especially after listening to the article to dig in even harder and deeper and knowing about the hockey stick graph that was falsified and how much nonsense has been fed to the public.

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Thanks Phyllis for sharing all of those emails.. Maybe the writers will identify themselves, maybe not.. In my opinion , climate has always been changing and always will..It is the 2 legged homosapiens whose egos got too big for those enlarged craniums that want to blame someone. And who also think they can CONTROL MOTHER NATURE..we can't..All we can do is live with her..We ( the human race) are really insignificant when you take a good look at the whole picture..Live, Love, Laugh

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They have all identified themselves in ME, in emails. I chose not to share their names and not to undertake a burdensome exchange of emails for their permisions.

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The “debate” about climate change shouldn’t be a debate at all. It’s as much a proven fact as evolution and cigarettes cause cancer. But unlike the debate over evolution (which involves & seems to contradict religion) the whole reason global warming is a “debate” is due to funding from the Koch brothers and the Oil Industry. The fact that our use of fossil fuels is warming the planet to it ultimately being uninhabitable for humans is a fact that, if accepted, would cost the Koch brothers & the Oil Industry money. So, they had & still have a strong financial interest in creating a fake “debate” about it. Which was taken up by Republicans for decades, who then blocked any attempted solutions & made the problem worse & worse & worse. But did protect the Koch brothers & the Oil Industry from dreaded regulations.

The fact that cigarettes cause cancer costs the Tobacco industry money so they’re still “debating” that, while we who are addicted or breathing the second hand smoke like to instead blame the Insurance industry for inadequately covering cancer treatments or blaming the pharmaceutical industry for charging too much for chemo drugs.

Follow The Money applies here.

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Yes, indeed follow the money, the money going into "green" energy.

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Global warming started way before there was any money going into “green” energy. The greedy oil companies came first and our Republican leaders were invested in the oil companies.

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I want to keep drilling and fracking. If not us it will be done by other countries, many of which are evil regimes. Why do you want to empower China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and weaken America?

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